Centre for Modeling & Simulation
Savitribai Phule Pune University

Feedback Questionnaire for CMS Alumni

Tell us about yourself ...

Your name * Required
Your contact information for CMS records
(your privacy will be protected)
Address * Required
Phone * Required
Email * Required
Your public web profiles
Google Scholar
What was (or is) your association with CMS? Advanced Diploma Programme in Modeling and Simulation
MTech Programme in Modeling and Simulation
MTech Programme in Modeling and Simulation – PPPR
Credit courses by CMS faculty
Certificate courses at CMS
PhD Programme
Postdoctoral Fellow
Period of Association: From Year, To Year
Your pre-CMS education, career path, field of work, and current occupation
Your post-CMS education, occupation, career path, field of work
Any honours and achievements you would like to share?

Tell us how you see CMS in hindsight ...

The questionnaire below is designed with focus on the past students at the Centre. However, it is intended also for former staff and faculty at the Center: Hence, please feel free to interprete questions suitably in the light of your association with the Centre. Please share your feedback and thoughts in as much detail as possible.

Please upload a photo ...

JPEG or PNG, and less than 2097152 bytes, please.

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