Centre for Modeling & Simulation
Savitribai Phule Pune University

The CMS M.Tech. Project Report Template

Use the standardized LaTeX template on this page for writing your CMS M.Tech. project report. The template is defined by two files, namely, cpr.tex, cbk.cls, cms-logo-bw.jpg. These are included with each of the two example reports provided on this page (see below).

What You Should NOT Do

Example Reports

See the LaTeX source files and compiled .pdf files for these examples. Study the structure of the report.tex files in these two examples. Both reports are available as a tarball here.

Processing Instructions

If there are no LaTeX errors in your source, the following sequence of shell commands produces the file report.pdf:
$ cd example-report-1/
$ pdflatex report
$ bibtex report
$ pdflatex report
$ pdflatex report
Occasionally, pdflatex may need to be invoked once again.

In your own report, you may have to correct syntactic and other errors at each of these steps. Once your LaTeX sources are bug-free, easy compilation to pdf can be done via the makefile provided in each directory. From within the report directory, make can be simply invoked as
$ make

LaTeX Help

The internet is replete with help and tutorials on LaTeX. GUIs are also available for LaTeX. For any additional help you may require, please talk to your friends, foes, faculty advisor, and other local LaTeX experts.


In the least, run
$ aspell -c [file.tex]
on EACH of the LaTeX source files to find potentially misspelt words – Correct them if and as appropriate. Remember that not every word that aspell reports may be misspelt. aspell has limitations. As author of your report, it is your responsibility to make your report as flawless as possible. This includes spelling and grammar in the least.


Print your report double-sided. Save paper.


The binding method you choose should be hold pages securely. Use any good-quality, durable binding method to create bound copies of your printed report. This includes spiral binding. Hard binding with or without embossing is not mandatory. We discourage the use of the so-called "patti files".


One soft copy (pdf) and one hard copy (signed by you, your advisors, and the CMS director), to be submitted to the CMS library on or before the deadline. Additional copies for yourself and your advisors may be made at your discretion.

Important: Before you submit make sure you have verified the report from your (internal) adviser(s). In that case you will be required to prepare the report well in advence of the deadline (typically 10-15 days). Pleaes consult your adviser for the same.

Click here to access submission portal.

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